Walsall Council Launches New ‘EnviroCrime’ Vehicle to Combat Fly-Tipping

Walsall Council has unveiled a new “EnviroCrime” vehicle as part of its intensified efforts to combat environmental crimes such as fly-tipping.

The vehicle, uniquely designed with eye-catching graphics promoting anti-fly-tipping messages, will be deployed across Walsall’s hotspots known for illegal waste dumping. It is equipped with advanced surveillance technology to monitor and gather evidence against offenders. The council’s environmental enforcement team will use this data to track down and prosecute those responsible for these offenses, which have been a persistent issue in the area.

The “EnviroCrime” vehicle is part of a broader initiative known as the Environmental Crime Scene (ECS) campaign. This campaign aims to not only deter individuals from committing environmental crimes but also to educate the public about the legal and environmental consequences of such actions. By raising awareness, the council hopes to encourage responsible waste disposal practices among residents and businesses alike.

Councillor Kerry Murphy, Portfolio Holder for Street Pride, emphasised the importance of community involvement in this initiative.

“This vehicle is not just a means of transportation, it’s a statement, designed to be noticed and to deter,” said Councillor Murphy.

“As it patrols our wards, it will be sending a clear message that Walsall is watching and that fly-tipping will not be tolerated in our borough.

“I urge all of our community members to join us in this fight against environmental crimes by being mindful of proper waste disposal methods and helping us keep Walsall tidy.”

Residents are encouraged to support these efforts by utilising the council’s online reporting tools and proper waste disposal services.