Gum-Busting Machines Hit the Streets of Walsall

Walsall Council is launching an initiative to tackle chewing gum litter in the town centre, thanks to a £25,000 grant from Keep Britain Tidy’s Chewing Gum Task Force.

The council has acquired two new gum-cleaning machines to clear streets like Park Street and Bridge Street, with the project set to be completed by the end of October. Additionally, signage will be put up to deter further gum littering.

“I am delighted this grant has been secured and is being put to good use. Chewing gum stains are unpleasant to see and impact the pride we feel for our town centre,” said Councillor Gary Perry, Leader of Walsall Council.

“Initially, the new machines will be used to clean up a part of the town centre. They will then be used on a rolling basis to keep the area looking clean. We will also be putting up signage to deter people from disposing of their gum on our streets.”

Walsall is one of 54 councils participating in this nationwide effort to clean and prevent gum litter.